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Workbook Answers of Julius Caesar ICSE

Workbook Answers of Act 1 Scene 1

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Flavius describe the commoners?

   a. As idle creatures

   b. As foolish artisans

   c. As good for nothing fellows

   d. As carpenters

   Answer: a. Flavius characterizes the commoners as "idle creatures."

2. What is the profession of the second citizen?

   a. Carpenter

   b. Cobbler

   c. Chef

   d. Soldier

   Answer: b. The second citizen is a cobbler.

3. How does Marullus address the citizens?

   a. As blocks

   b. As stones

   c. As worse than senseless things

   d. All of the above

   Answer: d. Marullus addresses the citizens as "blocks," "stones," and "worse than senseless things."

4. What do the commoners need to do to intermit the plague, according to Marullus?

   a. Run to their houses

   b. Fall upon their knees

   c. Weep their tears into the river

   Answer: c. Marullus instructs the commoners to weep their tears into the river.

5. To what animal is Caesar compared in the text?

   a. Lion

   b. Falcon

   c. Raven

   d. Dove

   Answer: a. Caesar is compared to a lion.

Context Questions


i. Flavius and Marullus are tribunes present on a street in Rome. They see people gathered in their best clothes celebrating Caesar's victory. The tribunes are concerned about Caesar's increasing popularity and hence are dispersing the crowd.

ii. The commoners in the scene are not dressed in their usual attire which would include tools of their trade. Instead, they are dressed in their best clothes.


   (a) They are manual workers.

   (b) It is not a usual working day.

   (c) They are not wearing their working clothes that would have tools of their profession, such as leather aprons or rules.

iv. The second citizen identifies himself as a cobbler. When confronted, he retorts and calls the man a rascal.

v. Flavius seeks to know the trade of the first citizen. Marullus then questions this citizen about the absence of his tools. The interaction indicates that Flavius and Marullus hold a position of authority. They are displeased with the citizens for celebrating Caesar's victory and insist on quelling Caesar's growing popularity.


i. The cobbler plays on words, suggesting he's a mender of soles (souls), indicating he repairs shoes and perhaps touches on the human soul.

ii. The pun is on the words "mender of soles" implying he mends shoes and also possibly mends human souls.

iii. The cobbler suggests that he conducts his trade with a clear conscience and doesn't deceive people.

iv. Expressions like "thou saucy fellow" and "blocks" reflect the officials' disdain for artisans. They refer to the common people with less respect, using terms like 'vulgar'.

v. The citizens wear signs of their trade, which helps in identifying their professions. The citizens, having recently celebrated Pompey's victory, have now gathered to celebrate Caesar's triumph. This indicates their fickle nature.


i. The commoners, who once celebrated Pompey's victory, have now gathered to rejoice over Caesar's triumph over Pompey's sons.

ii. The fickleness of the commoners is evident. They once celebrated Pompey's victory with enthusiasm, and later, with the same fervor, they celebrated his defeat. This suggests that they need to show gratitude and loyalty consistently.

iii. Julius Caesar's victory over Pompey's sons wasn't a conquest of a foreign land but a triumph over a faction within the same country. Thus, no new territory came under Rome.

iv. The vanquished weren't burdened with taxes or fines, and there weren't any prisoners tied with chains to Caesar's chariot, indicating respect shown to the conquered.

v. The common people celebrated both Pompey's victory and later, Julius Caesar's victory over Pompey's sons. This inconsistent behavior shows them as being cruel.


i. When Pompey emerged victorious, the sound of the cheers was so loud and unanimous that even the river felt its vibration.

ii. The cheering was intense, to the extent that its echo could be felt at the Tiber river, and the river trembled due to its vibration.

iii. Pompey's sons met with a tragic end, their blood being shed. Now, Julius Caesar celebrates his victory, having triumphed over them.

(iv) On special occasions, they wear their finest clothes and treat the day like a festive celebration, scattering flowers on Caesar's path as a mark of respect and celebration.

(v) The speaker wants to draw attention to the crowd's inconsistency and impulsive behavior. By pointing out their thoughtlessness and fickleness, he aims to make them reflect on their actions and perhaps feel remorse for their easily swayed loyalties.


(i) The reason for removing the decorations from Caesar's statues was to dampen the festive mood that was prevailing after Caesar's victory over Pompey's sons.

(ii) The feast of Lupercal was celebrated in honor of the god Lupercus, believed to be the protector of sheep and goats. During this feast, young men would run through the streets and touch spectators with leather straps. It was a popular belief that women, especially those who couldn't conceive, would be cured of their infertility when touched with these straps.

(iii) The statues adorned with trophies symbolize Caesar's triumphs and achievements. When Flavius mentions suppressing enthusiasm for Caesar by removing these decorations, he compares it to pulling feathers from a bird. Without these feathers, the bird won't soar high; similarly, without the recognition and constant adulation, Caesar's image won't soar among the commoners.

(iv) The commoners, consisting of workers and artisans, are described as fickle because of their changeable nature. One day they celebrated Pompey, and on another, they celebrated Caesar's victory over him. There's a concern that if their enthusiasm isn't checked, they might soon elevate Caesar to the position of a king.

(v) The term "Fickleness of the Crowd" in the 'Critical Comments' section likely delves into the unpredictable and inconsistent nature of the masses, often swayed by the changing tides of power and influence.

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